Rapidly Changing World
“How can we compete more effectively in such a Rapidly Changing World?”
As a business leader that is the most crucial question we need to ask in today’s economy…it has become increasingly more competitive. Now more than ever, we need to be equipped with sharp skills, fresh ideas, more drive, and new techniques in order to achieve our goals.
Perhaps the most important factor affecting our business today is the speed of change. We are living in an age where change is taking place at a faster rate than ever before in human history. And if anything, the rate is increasing, year by year. Change today is not only faster, but it is also discontinuous, not following a straight line but starting, stopping, and moving in unpredictable directions. Change is coming at us from all sides and in so many different ways that it is often impossible to anticipate what might happen next.
Change may cause enormous stress for business owners who are fixed or rigid in their beliefs. They fall in love with what they are doing, with their current methods and processes, and are unwilling to change, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
We must constantly be open and alert to new ideas, information, and knowledge that may help us in our business or in the achievement of our goals. One new idea may be enough to make us a fortune. One idea may start us on the road to riches!
Another factor driving change is the rapid growth and development of new technology. Every new piece of scientific or technical knowledge leads to an advance in technology aimed at helping people and businesses get things done faster and better. And the speed of technological change is increasing every day as well.
Being in business is like playing an endless game of leapfrog. We look for a way to leapfrog over our competitor and serve our customers faster and better. Our competitor then leapfrogs over us with a new or better product or service. We quickly regroup and leap over our competitor with a new innovation or improvement and the game goes on without end.
The Menninger Institute of Kansas City conducted a study not long ago to determine what qualities would be most important for success and happiness in the twenty-first century. They concluded after extensive research, that the most important single quality that we may develop, in a time of rapid change, is flexibility.
“Remember, Success is always Within Reach”
#terry ogburn #entrepreneur #Business #Business Development #Business Sales #business coach
As a business leader that is the most crucial question we need to ask in today’s economy…it has become increasingly more competitive. Now more than ever, we need to be equipped with sharp skills, fresh ideas, more drive, and new techniques in order to achieve our goals.
Perhaps the most important factor affecting our business today is the speed of change. We are living in an age where change is taking place at a faster rate than ever before in human history. And if anything, the rate is increasing, year by year. Change today is not only faster, but it is also discontinuous, not following a straight line but starting, stopping, and moving in unpredictable directions. Change is coming at us from all sides and in so many different ways that it is often impossible to anticipate what might happen next.
Change may cause enormous stress for business owners who are fixed or rigid in their beliefs. They fall in love with what they are doing, with their current methods and processes, and are unwilling to change, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
We must constantly be open and alert to new ideas, information, and knowledge that may help us in our business or in the achievement of our goals. One new idea may be enough to make us a fortune. One idea may start us on the road to riches!
Another factor driving change is the rapid growth and development of new technology. Every new piece of scientific or technical knowledge leads to an advance in technology aimed at helping people and businesses get things done faster and better. And the speed of technological change is increasing every day as well.
Being in business is like playing an endless game of leapfrog. We look for a way to leapfrog over our competitor and serve our customers faster and better. Our competitor then leapfrogs over us with a new or better product or service. We quickly regroup and leap over our competitor with a new innovation or improvement and the game goes on without end.
The Menninger Institute of Kansas City conducted a study not long ago to determine what qualities would be most important for success and happiness in the twenty-first century. They concluded after extensive research, that the most important single quality that we may develop, in a time of rapid change, is flexibility.
“Remember, Success is always Within Reach”
#terry ogburn #entrepreneur #Business #Business Development #Business Sales #business coach