Terry Ogburn provides answers to frequently asked questions about Ogburn’s Coaches, business development, consulting and coaching programs.


How is the program structured?

Unlike most traditional consulting firms, Terry Ogburn’s process is structured to provide you, the business owner, with both short-term assistance and long-term training through our affordable ‘Mentoring’ approach.

Our clients will attest to the power of our programs. Based on proprietary sales, marketing, and business management systems, we not only show you how to increase your business revenues and profits, often quite dramatically, but also know how to develop your business so that you, as the owner, can work less, relax more, and finally enjoy business ownership.


Do I Need a Business Coach?

Whether you are an elite athlete, business legend or performing superstar, every great performer is surrounded by coaches and advisors. As the pace in the world of business increases and becomes more and more competitive, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with changes in your industry, let alone the latest innovations in sales, marketing, and management strategies.

Having a Business Development Coach is no longer a luxury. It has become a necessity. Clearly you can survive in business without the help of a coach, but it is almost impossible to reach your maximum potential!


What is a Consultation?

Your Business Development Coach will do this with three goals in mind: First to get a snapshot of where your business is right now. Second, help you clarify your goals, both personally and in your business. And third, get the crucial pieces of information needed to create your individualized Business Development Plan.

This is not a traditional business or marketing plan, but rather a step-by step Business Development Plan that you will work with as you proceed through the Mentor Program.

This is where we focus with every business owner-client. You and possibly some of your team will invest time as you learn as much as possible about your business and personal goals, your challenges, frustrations, sales, marketing, finances, and much, much more.


What is a Mentor Program?

Simply put, its where Terry Ogburn will work with you set time to help you make your goals a reality. From weekly coaching calls and goal setting sessions, to creating marketing pieces together, you will develop new sales strategies and business systems that allow you to work less.

​ In a one-to-one environment, you will learn everything you need to know about how to make your business dreams come true. We will work with you on your sales, marketing, team-building, and business development initiatives.

We will be with you when you need us mostas each idea takes shape, as each campaign is launched, when you need little pointers for making ´it´ happen, when you need someone to talk to, when you are faced with daunting challenges, and most importantly, when you are just not sure what to do next. Your Business Development Coach will be there every step of the way.


How can I be sure this will work in my industry and in my business?

We are experts in the areas of sales, marketing, business development, business management, and team building and with literally hundreds of different profit-building strategies. Together we can apply our systems to make your business more effective.

You will find that its just like having a marketing manager, sales team leader, trainer, recruitment specialist, and a corporate consultant, all for one nominal investment. Everything you do with Terry Ogburn is a true investment in your future. Not only will you begin to create great results in your business, but you will end up with both-an entrepreneurial education second to none, and the knowledge that you can repeat your business success over and over again in other ventures.


In what areas will you be coaching me?

Terry Ogburn is fully committed to helping you become successful. We will work with you in five key areasand the emphasis in each will depend on you, your business, and of course, your goals.

​ These key areas are:

  • Sales – Obviously, the backbone for creating a profitable business, and one of the areas we´ll help you get spectacular results.
  • Marketing & Advertising – If you want to make a sale, you first have to find a prospect. Terry Ogburn will teach you amazingly simple, yet powerful, streetwise marketing techniques and approaches that will drive profits.
  • Team Building & Recruitment – Finding the right people will be much easier. You can have motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, and loyal team members when Terry Ogburn shows you how.
  • Systems & Business Development – End the hopeless cycle of the business running you and begin running your business. We will show you the secrets to having the business work even when you are not there.
  • Customer Service – How to deliver your product or service consistently, making it easy for your customers to buy, leaving them feeling delighted with your service. Ways to motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their repeat business. These are just two of the many strategies we will teach you.
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    Can you train my people too?

    Yes, we can. We believe providing training is as important as coaching you. Terry Ogburn can provide you with many different training modules, which include team-building, overcoming obstacles, managing change, sales made simple, telephone power, customer services training, and more. You will be amazed at how much enthusiasm and commitment comes from your team as they experience each of our training programs.

    ​ We can also provide testing and evaluation to help you gain perspective on opportunities for team development, hiring, discovering individual strengths, and more. We will discuss these with you, should they be required.