Eliminate Objections

Objections are signposts that lead us step by step toward closing the sale. Objections indicate interest. The fact is if there are no objections, there is no interest. If there is no interest, there will be no sale.

One of the most powerful ways to Eliminate Objections is to present testimonial videos or letters from satisfied customers who shared the same objection at one time. A video or letter answering the customer’s major concern is an awesome way to demolish the objection forever.

Aside from using testimonials, another way to deal with objections is for us to take the objection and interpret it as a question. Treat the objection as a request for more information. Recognize that an objection is a natural customer response to any offering where there is some risk of purchasing. When the customer says, “It costs too much,” respond by saying. “That’s a good question. Why does it cost more than you were expecting to pay?” then go on to answer the question by showing them the value or benefit of your product or service.

Another way to deal with an objection is to treat the objection as if the customer was asking us for a reason to eliminate the objection. If the customer says, “I can’t afford it,” imagine that the customer is really saying, “Show me how I can justify spending this amount of money.”

Above all, make it easy to object. Most customers do not want to get into an argument or debate with us over our product or service. They will be reluctant to object for fear that we may become upset or adamant. For this reason we must make it easy for the customer to object by responding in a cheerful, friendly, constructive way when they do.

When we do get an objection, hear the objection out completely. Do not assume that we know what the customer is going to say. Often the customer will begin with an objection we may have heard before, but then they will add their own particular concern or problem at the end. Be patient and practice your listening skills. Pause before replying. Questions should be for clarification only.

Determine whether the customer’s response is an objection or a condition. An objection is something that we can answer. It is a problem for which there is a solution. It is an obstacle that may be removed on the way to making the sale. A condition, however, is a genuine reason for not going ahead. If all the decision makers are not present or the customer has no money, this is a condition that renders buying impossible.

Objections are a standard and predictable part of any sales conversation. Our job is to be patient, polite, and positive, asking good questions and listening intently to the answers. If we are courteous and persistent, eventually the customer will tell us why they might be hesitating and give us an opportunity to answer their question and close the sale.

“Remember, Success is always Within Reach”

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