Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement is always written in the present tense, as though we have already become the business leader we have described. It is always positive rather than negative. And it is always personal.

Our subconscious mind can only accept our mission statement as a set of commands when we phrase it in the present, positive and personal tenses. “I am an exceptional business leader,” is a perfect example. After every encounter with a customer or client, we should quickly reread our mission statement and ask ourselves if our recent behavior was more like the leader we want to be, or less? As a top performer, we are always comparing our activities against a high standard and adjusting our activities upward. We must continually be striving to be better. Every day in every way, we are deliberately working to become more like the ideal leader we have envisioned.

Your goal is that, a year from today, when one of your customers has lunch with one of your prospects, and your prospect asks your customer to describe you in detail as a business leader, your customer will recite your business mission statement voluntarily.

The way you have treated your customer will have been so exemplary that your customer will describe you in the most glowing of terms.

Once we have developed a mission statement like this, we can read it, review it, edit it, and upgrade it regularly. We may add additional qualities to it and more clearly define the qualities we have already listed. It becomes our personal credo, our philosophy of life, our statement of beliefs and a guide to our behavior in all of our interactions with others. Each day, we may evaluate our behaviors and compare them against the standard that we have set in this statement.

Over time, a remarkable thing will happen. As we read and review our mission statement, we will find ourselves, almost unconsciously, shaping our words and conforming to our behaviors so we are more and more like the ideal leader we have defined.

People will notice the change in us almost immediately. Over time, we will find that we are actually creating within ourselves the kind of character and personality we most admire in others. We will have become the molder and shaper of our own destiny.

Imagine that one of your customers was going to meet with one of your prospects. What would you want him to say about you? How would you behave with your customer to assure that he says these things?

Next, talk to yourself positively all the time. Feed your mind with positive messages that describe your goals and the leader you want to be.

“Remember, Success is Always Within Reach”

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